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Cloud Migration Service

Expand opportunities for your business with AWS &

CMC Telecom

Obstacles with businesses


Many businesses transition to AWS Cloud for the following reasons:

  • Boost Security
  • Optimize Cost
  • Enhance the effectiveness data management
  • Improve Teamwork
  • Expand easily

We are an AWS-certified Partner

CMC Telecom proudly becomes AWS partner of Tư vấn triển khai Dịch vụ Migration & Modernization (Migration & Modernization Services Competency)a recognition of the quality and capabilities of the CMC Telecom in understanding customer needs and having experience in various challenges in AWS Cloud.

Moving to AWS Cloud is easier
and safer with CMC Telecom

CMC Telecom Migration Framework

Migration Patterns

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Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 0
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