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14:30 - 16:30
Gem Center, Số 08, Đường Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Quận 01, TP. Hồ Chí Minh

Future of Retail: Enhancing Customer Experience with Generative AI

Trong bối cảnh AI và các công nghệ tiên tiến như robot, điện toán lượng tử đang dần trở nên phổ biến, việc áp dụng GenAI (AI tạo sinh) là bước đi không thể thiếu cho các doanh nghiệp bán lẻ muốn nâng cao hiệu quả kinh doanh và cải thiện trải nghiệm khách hàng

13:30 - 17:30
Eastin Hanoi Hotel

Beyond the Horizon: Securing the Present, Managing the Future

For most businesses currently engaged in the digital transformation process, migrating to the cloud is a complex and challenging endeavor. Alongside stringent requirements for security and compliance, managing cloud resources is also a difficult and time-consuming task, demanding in-depth knowledge and expertise in operations.

14 - 17:00
JW Marriott Hanoi Hotel

Event "Smart Manufacturing – Unlocking Potentials AWS & SAP"

The event 'Smart Manufacturing – Unlocking Potential with AWS & SAP' seeks to bring together relevant stakeholders and experts in the manufacturing sector. The event features speakers who are experts and leaders from CMC, AWS, and SAP, sharing perspectives on the Vietnamese and global markets. They will delve into successful digital transformation stories and showcase how the shift to digital can drive innovation, streamline production processes, and unveil new possibilities in the manufacturing industry.